Loving Light


Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography. George Eastman

This year I have decided that I really want to try and take more time with my photography and look carefully at light and how it impacts on my photographs. Many photographers will tell you about the importance of light in your photography. Indeed the course I just did with the wonderful Karl Taylor started by looking at the science of light.

There is a lot of debate between photographers about whether food photography should be shot in anything but natural light. My view is that it is about appropriateness and depends on what you are trying to achieve. I am looking to experiment with light, both artificial and natural, and see what emerges. Here is one of my first explorations – back lighting thin slices of fruit and herbs. I am really pleased with the effect and love the way the back lighting makes you stop and really look at the amazing structures in these very common place ingredients.

The moment you take the leap of understanding to realize you are not photographing a subject but are photographing light is when you have control over the medium. Daryl Benson, Alberta (2004)